Comet Onprem User Instructions

For those users that are running from an onprem version of, you will need to have a couple of additional configuration variables with the appropriate values.


These variables may already be set for you by your onprem sysadmin. Please check with them to see if you need to set these yourself. If you do need to set them, you will need to know the values of these variables, described below.

If you do need to set them yourself, please follow these instructions.

First, you should make sure that you can import comet_ml. If comet_ml is not installed, you can install it (and upgrade it) using pip or conda. For more information, please see Installation Instructions.

For the following examples, please replace with your company's onprem installation URL or IP address.

You will need to know the following from your onprem sysadmin:


Now, you can setup your environment through one of the two following methods.

Interactive Configuration

If you have the ability to answer questions interactively (say, through a command-line console, or in a Jupyter Notebook) then you can set the configuration variables (including your Comet API key) through this method. Otherwise, you will need to use one the of Manual Configuration options described below.

Once you know the values of the two environment variables, from a Python environment you can run:

import comet_ml

And simply enter the values when prompted. If the variables have already been set, then this command will not ask you for any values. If you wished, you could include this in code that ran in an interactive environment (such as a script or notebook).

Likewise, you can run this process from the command line:

comet init --onprem

By running this command, you will create a local ~/.comet.config file that will be used whenever you run a Comet experiment or use the Comet API. You can edit or remove this file if necessary.

If you make a mistake, or need to reset the variables in the future, you can use the force parameter:

import comet_ml


comet init --onprem --force

Manual Configuration

You can also set these variables and values using one of the following three methods:

1. Shell Environment Variable

You could put these variables and their values in a shell script which could be executed each time a user creates a new shell:


You can also set your personal COMET_API_KEY in this manner, but we suggest using the Comet Configuration option below.

2. Script Environment Variable

You could put these variables and their values in the script itself. Note that the import comet_ml comes after their setting:

import os


import comet_ml

You can also set your personal COMET_API_KEY in this manner, but we suggest using the Comet Configuration option below.

3. Comet Configuration File

You could put these variables and their values in a file named ./comet.config in you home directory. Note that this is also a good place for your personal Comet API key.


API_KEY = ...


Once you have the above configuration parameters set through one of the three methods, you are now ready to test your setup.

Test Experiment

# Script:
from comet_ml import Experiment
from time import sleep
import random

experiment = Experiment(project_name="test-comet")

print("Setting and logging some items...")
experiment.set_name("testing comet")
experiment.log_other("finished", False)

print("Logging parameters...")
experiment.log_parameter("param_A", 1.1)
experiment.log_parameter("param_B", 2.2)
experiment.log_parameter("param_D", "high")
experiment.log_parameter("param_E", "low")
experiment.log_parameter("param_F", True)

print("Logging metrics", end="")
for y in range(60):
   experiment.log_metric("a", random.random() * y, step=y)
   experiment.log_metric("b", random.random(), step=y)
   experiment.log_metric("c", y, step=y)
   experiment.log_metric("d", y/60, step=y)
   print(".", end="")

experiment.log_other("finished", True)

You should get an experiment URL initially. You can go to that page and see the experiment update live. The entire script will take 60 seconds to run.

Test Optimizer

from comet_ml import Optimizer

config = {
    "algorithm": "bayes",
    "parameters": {
        "hidden_layer_size": {"type": "integer", "min": 40, "max": 50},
    "spec": {
        "metric": "loss",
        "objective": "minimize",

optimizer = Optimizer(config)

for experiment in optimizer.get_experiments(project_name="test-comet"):
    # Pretend loss for testing:
    loss = experiment.get_parameter("hidden_layer_size")
    experiment.log_metric("loss", loss)

You should log exactly 11 experiments with the second script. The entire script will take a couple of minutes to run.

If you have any issues running either of these scripts, please see your onprem adminstrator.

Additional Resources

If you have additional questions, please see the documentation on Comet Configuration Variables or contact us on your Comet Support Slack channel.