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A records


Basic Requirements

  • A hosted zone
  • The IPv4 address of the compute resource Comet is installed on

Using the AWS Console

In the AWS console, navigate to Route53 and in the sidebar or on the dashboard, click on Hosted zones.
This will take you to the console page showing all the hosted zones you have in Route53.
If you have more than one, find the hosted zone of the domain you'll be using and click on it.

For example, if you'd like to access your comet installation at, you'd find the hosted zone labeled

Once clicked, you'll be taken to a screen that shows all of the DNS records associated with that hosted zone.
Click Create record in the top right hand corner of the screen.

On the new screen you'll see a prompt for record name, this is where you will put in the comet-ml portion of the URI.
Leave the record type set to A - Routes traffic to an IPv4 address and some AWS resources

In the value, input the IPv4 address of the compute resource you installed comet on. If this is an EC2 instance, use the same IP you use to SSH to it.

Set the TTL in seconds to 60, and leave the Routing policy set to its default value.
Once you're done, click the Create records button and wait a while.

Using the AWS CLI

Creating a simple resource record in Route53


Basic Requirements

  • A dns zone
  • The IPv4 address of the compute resource Comet is installed on

Using the Azure Portal

In the Azure portal, using either the search bar or All resources, navigate to DNS Zones.
This will take you to the DNS Zones page showing all of the DNS zones you have hosted in Azure.
If you have more than one, find the hosted zone of the domain you'll be using and click on it.

For example, if you'd like to access your comet installation at, you'd find the zone labeled

Once clicked, you'll be taken to a screen that shows all of the DNS records associated with that hosted zone.
Click + Record set in the top right hand corner of the screen.

In the pop-out to the right you'll see a prompt for Name, this is where you will put in the comet-ml portion of the URI. Leave the record type set toA - Alias record to IPv4 address`.

Set the TTL in seconds to 60, and leave the Alias record set set to its default value of no.
Once you're done click the OK button and wait a while.

Using the Azure CLI


Basic Requirements

Using the GCloud CLI

Dec. 19, 2023